Saturday, February 28, 2009

Disney store

If you've been reading my blog (or know anything about me), you know how I dislike character anything. I have a caveat or two in regards to this, for example: 1. tastefully made items, or 2. tastefully made and from the Disney store items. There are a few shows that my children adore, and so if I can combine their delight with my two caveats, I am a happy camper.

So recently I have been in search of spring play clothes for the kids. Being play clothes, these need to be items that I can let go of easily if they become tattered, ripped, puked on, etc. So I met my match here, and I've got to say, I may actually be sad if some of these do get ruined in the course of play!

This cute robe was on sale for $10.99, so of course I picked up one for Charity, Cal, and Lot. Of course, Cal's is red. Sooo cute!

This was also super cute, for $4.99! I picked it up right away for Calvin.

I also bought this dress for all three of my little girls - $4.99 EACH!

I also picked up this super cute pajama set for Lottie, for $2.99!!!!!

And that's just a few of the great deals I picked up. The kids are going to be so thrilled when we get this in the mail! I can't wait to see their faces!

If you haven't yet, make sure you check out the Steals and Deals blog. Truly some fabulous tip-offs for great deals online.

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