Friday, March 23, 2012

Failure... to the Glory of God

It's been one of those days.  A week full of them, to be exact.  Between the storms that kept the children up till all hours several days this week, and the seasonal clothing switch, the lack of sleep, and the lack of diligence on my part, things aren't running too smooth around here. 

On the surface, it's just a few things.  Below, it's a million little things.  Namely, sin.  My attitude with the curious child.  The way I grumble in the morning before getting up.  Plans to exercise again trumped by a precious few more minutes of rest.  Time in the Word daily, but no time alone with my Father.  Not helping my husband as I ought to.  Consistently sleep-deprived little ones (for a thousand different reasons).  Everything to rejoice over and be thankful for, but missed opportunity after missed opportunity sours things, and over time, this place can become pretty stinky.  Not to mention unresolved sin.  We've had a full-blown stinkfest here all week long, with me leading the charge!

Do these things define me as a mom, a wife, or a Christ-follower?  No.  Do I need to hide myself someplace all alone and have "me time"?  No.  What's in order is to roll up those sleeves and get to work.

So what's the point? 

Even in failure, do all to the glory of God.

Confess and repent... to the glory of God.
Seek restoration... to the glory of God.
Accept His and others' forgiveness... to the glory of God.
And from here forward...
Be diligent... to the glory of God. 

1 John 1:9 - "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."

Sweet isn't it?  Confession of our sin leads to His forgiveness.  He is faithful to cleanse, faithful to restore, faithful to sanctify us through the Spirit.  Amen!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sorry.. multiple comments :) I'm just catching up on my reading ;)

As a non-mother (so far in life), it's always encouraging to get the realistic perspective of a mom who loves Jesus and strives to balance.

Thanks for the exhortation :)